abc project management is a fictional leading international project management firm based in the republic of cyprus with an annual turnover of 1 billion united states dollars. abc plans on responding to a request for proposals (rfp) issued by the government of a developing nation. given the economic slowdown caused by covid 19 this project is considered as key in abc re%02establishing its position as a global leader in project management services. the projects are located in the central part of the country and have a completion horizon of three years. they are%3A a). an international airport serving 10 million passengers annually%2C b). a telecommunications network serving 1 million people%2C and c). and three bridges of 200%2C 300%2C and 400 meters in length respectively%2C over a river. your responsibility as abcs vice president of business development is to produce a business case for the rfp. generate an abstract for the essay

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